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Alison Gray, Alison Gray Editorial Services

Editor (language)

There are two ways in which a piece of writing might be wrong.

It might be wrongly shaped, jump from topic to topic, digress into non-topic. The technical term would be 'a dog's dinner'. This piece of writing needs a developmental editor.

Or, it might be easy to understand, but sure would be easier if those commas and capital letters were in the right place. And is that a spelling mistake? This piece of writing needs a copyeditor.

I make your writing work. As a developmental editor and copyeditor, I look at manuscripts, articles and webpages and make them better.

I am a member of the Chartered Institute for Editing and Proofreading and a qualified copyeditor though the Publishers Training Centre. I work for publishers and individual authors and specialise in developmental editing of non-fiction books in business and wellbeing.
